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Scottish seminar in early modern Philosophy IV

University of Aberdeen, Scotland, room 706

Registration is free but obligatory. Please note that all conference attendees must get a badge at the help desk of Library in order to enter the building. We will, before the conference, communicate a list of attendees to the library personnel. Anyone wishing to attend the event must figure on that list.

Organisé par Beth Lord (University of Aberdeen) et Mogens Lærke (CERPHI / CNRS)


- Thursday, 2 May 2013

9.15-9.30. Coffee and Welcome

Session I

9.30-10.15. Alissa MacMilllan (Institute for Advanced Study, Toulouse), “A Linguistic Key to Hobbes on Religion”

10.15-11.00. Raffaela Santi (University of Urbino), “Geometry and Politics in the philosophical System of Hobbes”

11.00-11.15. Break

11.15-12.00. Stewart Duncan (University of Florida), “Toland and Locke in the Leibniz-Burnett Correspondence”

12.00-14.00. Lunch Break

Key Note

14.00-15.00. Leo Catana (University of Copenhagen), “Ficino on the philosopher persona and its demise in 18th-century philosophy”

15.00-15.30. Break

Session II

15.30-16.15. Matthew Kisner (University of South Carolina), “Spinoza on the Basis of Reason’s Dictates : Not so Common Notions”

16.15-17.00. Martin Lin (Rutgers University), “Spinoza’s Starting Points”

- Friday, 3 May 2013

9.15-9.30. Coffee

Session III

9.30-10.15. Sandrine Roux (University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne), “Another Way of Giving Sense to the Idea that we are not in our Bodies like a Pilot in a Ship : Descartes’ Conception of Voluntary Movements”

10.15-11.00. Anton Matytsin (University of Pennsylvania), “Anti-Skeptical Epistemology : The Challenge of Pyrrhonism and the Rise of Probability”

11.00-11.15. Break

11.15-12.00. Paul Lodge (Oxford University), “The Nature and Role of the Critique of Dogmatism in the Thought of Joseph Glanvil”

12.00-14.00. Lunch Break

Key Note

14.00-15.00. James Harris (University of St. Andrews), “Late Hume : Between Liberty and Authority”

15.00-15.30. Break

Session IV

15.30-16.15. Lisa Ievers (Auburn University), “Hume and Berkeley on the Nature of Philosophical Errors”

16.15-17.00. Emily Kelahan (Illinois Wesleyan University), “Hume’s Former opinions”


University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Sir Duncan Rice Library
Meeting Room 1 (room 706)