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Scottish seminar in early modern philosophy III

9-10 mai 2012, University of Aberdeen, Queen Mother Library, Meeting Room 1 (room 706)


Wednesday, 9 May

- 9.00-9.15 Welcome and Coffee. Sponsored by Oxford University Press.

Session I : Locke
Chair : Mogens Lærke (University of Aberdeen / ENS de Lyon)

- 9.15-10.00 Ruth Boeker (University of St. Andrews), “’Locke on Persons and Personal Identity.”

- 10.00-10.45 Dietmar Heidemann (University of Luxemburg), “Self-Knowledge and Intuition. Locke’s Critique of Descartes.”

- 10.45-11.00 Break

Key Note Speech
Chair : Julie Klein (University of Villanova, Philadelphia)

- 11.00-12.00 Stephen Gaukroger (University of Aberdeen / University of Sydney), “Sensibility and Metaphysics : “Diderot, Hume, Baumgarten, and Herder.”

12.00-13.30 Lunch at the Bishop’s Table (Speakers and chairs only)

Session II : Leibniz
Chair : Emily Thomas (Cambridge University)

- 13.30-14.15 Matteo Favaretti Camposamieri (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia), “De veris et falsis ideis. Leibniz on Ideas as Truth-Bearers.”

- 14.15-15.00 Larry Jorgensen (Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY), “Leibnizian Naturalism.”

- 15.00-15.30 Break

Session III : Spinoza I
Chair : Beth Lord (University of Dundee)

- 15.30-16.15 Markku Roinila (University of Edinburgh / University of Helsinki), “Leibniz and Spinoza on Affects and Perception.”

- 16.15-17.00 Jon Miller (Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario), “Spinoza on the Life According to Nature.”

Thursday, 10 May

9.00-9.15 Coffee

Session IV : History of Philosophy and History of Science

Chair : Justin Steinberg (Brooklyn College, City University of New York)

- 9.15-10.00 Michael Olson (University of Villanova, Philadelphia), “The Camera Obscura and the Nature of the Soul : An Examination of Early 18th Century German Metaphysics and Natural Science.”

- 10.00-10.45 Gabriel Alban-Zapata (ENS de Lyon), “Pierre Chanet’s Psychophysiology and Louis de La Forge’s reconstruction of the Cartesian theory of mind.”

10.45-11.00 Break

Key Note Speech
Chair : Catherine Wilson (University of Aberdeen)

- 11.00-12.00 Yitzhak Melamed (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore), “Spinoza’s Mereology.”

- 12.00-13.30 Lunch at The Bishop’s Table (speakers and chairs only)

Session V : Hobbes and Hume
Chair : Michael LeBuffe (Texas AM)

- 13.30-14.15 Martine Pecharman (CNRS – Maison Française d’Oxford), “Hobbes on Human Nature and Language.”

- 14.15-15.00 Dario Perinetti (UQAM, Montreal), “Morality and the Historical Point of view : Reading Hume’s A Dialogue.

15.00-15.30 Break

Session VI : Spinoza II
Chair : Valtteri Viljanen (University of Turku)

- 15.30-16.15 Andrea Sangiacomo (ENS de Lyon), “What a Body can do : Spinoza against Occasionalism.”

- 16.15-17.00 Eric Schliesser (University of Ghent), “Spinoza and the Newtonians on Motion and Matter (and God, of course).”


There is no registration fee. All are welcome to attend.

Organization : Mogens Lærke (University of Aberdeen / CERPHI, ENS de Lyon).

The event is sponsored by :
The Scots Philosophical Association
The School of Divinity, History and Philosophy (University of Aberdeen)
Oxford University Press


University of Aberdeen
Queen Mother Library, Meeting Room 1 (room 706)